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Platelet Rich Plasma - Hair Loss

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a natural way of addressing pattern hair loss in men and women.


It is a treatment that uses your own PRP (packed with growth factors) that activate follicular progenitor cells (adult stem cells) and causes weak hair follicles to become healthier and larger, producing more robust hair growth. New hair growth can be seen as early as 2 months, but is typically evident between 5-8 months and will continue to improve up to a year after treatment.

A small amount of your blood is drawn (about 10 mls per tube) and spun in a centrifuge machine. The centrifugation process separates the red blood cells and the PRP, which is then drawn up into syringes and is ready to be used in the skin. The PRP is then injected into the scalp using a small needle. Once injected, the growth factors then “activate” and continue to activate for 4-10 days post injection. PRP is proven to increase the number of collagen fibres in the skin, improved skin texture and elasticity as well as decreasing hair loss and increasing hair volume and strength.


  • Single session, 1 tube $550

  • Single session, 2 tubes $750

  • Single session 3 tubes $950

  • Bundle of 3 sessions, 1 tube $1500 save $150

  • Bundle of 3 sessions, 2 tubes $2100 save $150

  • Bundle of 3 sessions, 3 tubes $2700 save $150


Who is an ideal candidate for this procedure?

  • Patients suffering from certain types of alopecia or general hair thinning

  • Patients who may experience risk of allergic reactions from other treatments

  • Patients looking for a natural treatment


How many sessions are required?

According to studies and best practice guidelines, a minimum of 3-6 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart is advised to see results with an annual or bi annual single treatment to maintain results. 

How many tubes do you recommend?

  • Mild hair loss : 1-2 tubes

  • Moderate hair loss: 2-3 tubes

  • Severe hair loss: 3+ tubes


How long does it take to see results?

This treatment does not provide instant results. It takes time to grow and strengthen the hair follicles and can take up to 3-6 months. Increased hair growth may be visible at the 4 week mark and will improve gradually over ensuing months with improvement in hair thickness.

What is involved?

  • Education, discussion about realistic results, consent and before photos.

  • Blood draw and centrifuge spin

  • Scalp cleanse and topical anaesthetic application

  • PRP is then drawn up into syringes and is injected in to the scalp


What’s the down time?

  • It’s normal to experience some redness, bruising and puffiness for 12-24 hours post procedure.

  • Usually, patients can return to work immediately post procedure. 


Products to assist with hair loss treatment:

Mesoestetic Tricology hair growth intensive lotion 

  • 15 x 3ml ampoules $172.00 

Mesoestetic Tricology intensive hair loss shampoo

  • 200ml bottle $100.00

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